The story of Moonstar shoes begins in Kurume, a city located on Japan's island of Kyushu, renowned for high-quality shoemaking over the past century. Kyushu's shoemaking industry, rooted in meticulous craftsmanship, has established Japan as a hub for precise, top-quality products.
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Most Celebrated MoonStar Shoes and Designs
MoonStar is perhaps best known for its Shoes Like Pottery line, a series produced using the ka-Ryu method, a vulcanizing technique practiced by only a select few manufacturers globally. In ka-Ryu, the shoes are baked in a kiln much like pottery, utilizing advanced technology that enhances rubber’s elasticity, softness, and durability.
In addition to this iconic line, MoonStar is celebrated for the Allweather sneakers, which balance simplicity and functionality. Hansen Garments also carries the MoonStar Gym Classic low top sneakers, in white, brown and black colors along with the Allweather high-top sneaker, both showcasing the brand’s commitment to design, quality, and comfort.
Each pair is handmade by highly skilled craftspeople. The canvas upper layer of the MoonStar sneaker is attached to the rubber sole by hand, due to a procedure that’s impossible mechanically. Following this, the shoes are baked in a kiln for 70 minutes to complete the vulcanization, resulting in footwear that is durable and timeless, embodying a compromise between modern design and traditional craftsmanship.
MoonStar’s Rise in Global Recognition from Japan
The training shoe was one of MoonStar’s early successes and helped spotlight the brand’s dedication to quality. MoonStar’s long history of producing shoes, craftsmanship, technology and innovation has consistently focused on durability and comfort, principles that have sustained its reputation in the industry.
With the growing rubber and plastic industries in Japan, MoonStar expanded its exports in the 1960s to the USA, Canada, Africa, and Europe, earning an international presence. Kurume has prospered through its long-standing history in the rubber industry, specifically in the manufacturing of Jika-Tabi shoes. Its all-weather footwear line includes their well-loved black rain boots, which have become staples known for both their high quality and timeless appeal.
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