Seen by many as a minor detail to our outfits, in HANSEN we know very well that our shoes are just as important as our clothes. They complete our style and add a different twist to the outfit. That is why we curated the perfect selection of shoes to complement your everyday clothing into one Footwear collection.
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Similarly, as the final grooming can completely transform your outfit, the footwear you choose develops the overall style and appearance for you. You can transform even the simplest outfit into an eye-catching masterpiece by a bold and smart choice of your footwear.
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Whether it is a casual outfit or high-end event that you're getting ready for, our Footwear collection has everything you may need. Quite literally, from tassel loafers by Solovair to their hiker boots, you can find every kind of footwear in our collection and there's no doubt it is in both high-quality and impeccable design.
And Solovair is not the only unique brand we chose for you. Moon Star is known for its production of volcanic sole footwear with almost 150 years long tradition, and the significant edgy design following the trend of Japanese minimalism and modernism is just another great feature of their shoes.
From the countries renown for their elegance and classic pieces, George Cox represents classic British styled shoes with a twist with their Gibson leather creepers and Heschung the French elegance of formal footwear.
And last but definitely not least, we haven't forgotten the summer footwear, and so now you can find the unique Ferker vegetable leather sandals in two different shades.
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